Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ghosts of Disney Past- Senior Band Trip

I have only a handful of days left in Bloomington, IN and while I will miss my friends and certain things about this town, I just want to pack for Lake Buena Vista.  So I found old pictures of Disney trips.  Since I am not at home for the earlier pictures I decided to go in reverse order.
Spring Break 2007!
Ready... Set... Go!
Yeah, so I had the opportunity to go on two band trips with my high school marching band.  I am spoiled.  What else can I say?  This is from our senior year trip over Spring Break.  These were "top of the line" transportation vehicles.  At least they did not break down at any point during our trip.

We got to stay at a Disney World Resort:  Disney's All-Star Music Resort.  Luckily, our band got to stay in a good genre's building... rock 'n roll!  That is me at the foot of the 'jukebox'.

I shared the furthest (cleanest) half of the room with my friend Greta.  Cathrin and Lizzy shared the messy half.  I was tempted to put of picture of waking Cathrin up on here, too.  Unfortunately, I think she would have killed me so this will have to do.
These were the fine people I walked around with... in Narnia. 

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